Jake Johnson Logo
2 min read
BECU corporate headquarters

I was part of the working team at Phinney Bischoff who partnered with BECU, one of the nation’s largest credit unions, to re-imagine the environmental experience at their Tukwila Financial Center (TFC), BECU’s cooperative headquarters and flagship retail space.

My work consisted of helping form the creative theme for the space. We settled on “Imagine,” and built our messaging and installations to create a sense of wonder at the things you could do in partnership with BECU.

As part of those efforts, we created a visitor journey map “which ensured that targeted personas, including employees and corporate partners, were being considered in every aspect of the floorplans and overall experience” based off research, including intercept interviews, done by our strategy team.

Learn more about the project at Phinney Bischoff’s website.

My role:

Creative theming, visitor journey mapping, copywriting